What are the Benefits of the Bayshore Park LifeStyle?
Bayshore Park offers a resort style living because of:
• Spacious units on a spacious piece of land.
• Excellent location in the East Coast of Singapore.
• Excellent and ample facilities.
As a bonus, Bayshore Park offers an excellent investment potential. If you are looking for speculative enbloc returns, then look elsewhere. Enbloc is not going to happen in Bayshore Park because too many people want to stay since they know that no amount of money can buy the same lifestyle. Anything else is a compromise, essentially more money for less space. That is why the three previous enbloc attempts failed.
However, if you are looking for a property investment with better returns than enbloc, then you should buy a property in Bayshore Park because demand for units in Bayshore Park will exceed supply because all the newer estates are much smaller than Bayshore Park in terms of unit size, room sizes, and the surrounding gardens and facilities. So while all other estates are competing with one another for enbloc, you can enjoy better returns on your Bayshore Park property in the future as people cannot find an equivalent LifeStyle anywhere else.